Encryption and data confidentiality


Encryption ABC's

5 preconceived ideas about encryption!

Too many preconceived ideas about encryption stop companies from taking action. Such reticence can be costly when sensitive data is leaked and disclosed. A look at five stubborn misconceptions...

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Encryption ABC's

NIS2: how to get ready?

As cyberthreats increase, the NIS2 directive is a Europe-wide opportunity for thousands of entities that have everyday interactions with citizens to better protect themselves. It will be enacted into French…

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Encryption ABC's

Cloud Computing: our glossary of 25 key words

Cloud computing represents a new era in computing. It comes with its share of acronyms and new vocabulary. PRIM'X helps you make sense of this increasingly impenetrable jargon!

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Encryption ABC's

The security stack: an essential approach to data protection

In the cybersecurity world, there’s no miracle software that will protect you from every attack. Security must be provided by a series of solutions that each protect against well-defined risks.…

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Ideas & initiatives

Raising employee awareness: a data protection prerequisite

In a world in the throes of a fundamental digital revolution, the data security question is becoming increasingly important. Over 50% of French companies admit to having been targeted by…

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Ideas & initiatives

The Cloud: what threat is it to your data?

By spreading data in the cloud, the generalization of cloud technologies mechanically increases the amount of exposure to risks. Companies must identify these threats and know their role in terms…

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Tech culture

Symmetric and asymmetric: why two types of encryption?

Encryption is one of the solutions to protect yourself and guarantee confidentiality. There are actually two main families: asymmetric encryption (e.g.: RSA, ECDSA) and symmetric encryption (e.g: AES-256). Each has…

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Encryption ABC's

Make life difficult for hackers: encrypt your email!

Companies and public administrations have never feared being the target of cyber attacks more than they do now. Theft or data corruption, data locked by ransomware, such threats can jeopardize…

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Tech culture

How to secure a thumb drive or an external hard drive?

Knowing that USB devices (thumb drive, external hard drive) as well as memory cards (SD cards) are easy to duplicate, steal or lose. It’s imperative to define a strategy to…

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Tech culture

Data: a valuable asset to protect using encryption

Although it doesn’t feature on balance sheets (yet), collected and stored data is a very important asset which must be protected. To understand that, you just have to look at…

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Ideas & initiatives

Traveling abroad: keep control of your data

Working from home has increased the IT risk factor, but that has always been true when traveling, especially abroad. At trade shows, on customer sites, in Europe or further afield,…

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